Coiling rope for rappel – summit of an eight pitch route in Lundy Canyon, just north of Yosemite National Park.
North Coast Redwoods – magical, mysterious, inspiring.
Courtney and Ike and I do some backpacking in the Sierra every summer.
I collect two things: small pieces of wood and stone that look like feet – these are arranged on our mantle – and photographs of boulders with cracks in them, one of many dozen, here.
Jason Wells and Dave Goldstein – my good friends and climbing inspirations, in Oct. 2009, Indian Creek, Utah. Jason died with partner Tim Klein on El Cap in June 2018.
Representative corner of our home, L to R: the three volume Franklin edition of Emily Dickinson's poems; a print by my good friend Brian Cohen (Bridge Press); sperm whale hanging from ceiling over a Moby Dick birdhouse; a brilliant print one of Courtney's students made of Ahab: "The Repose of If"; sperm whale hanging from moulding; the elm leaves on top of the moulding are from the tree in Emily Dickinson's side yard, which was alive in her time.
Summit of Mt. Conness in Yosemite, Aug. 2021 – day one of a week-long climbing trip with Chris McElheny. This time via the North Ridge.
Scrabble in camp – Sinks Canyon, Wyoming. Week three of a seven week Covid camping/climbing/backpacking sojourn, summer 2020.
More to do –high up on L29 at Red Rock, Nevada.
Pigs in Space – Indian Creek, Utah.
One happy, one not unhappy.
Wouldn't have occurred to me – but for the sign.